Breakthrough Gaming Arcade - Christian-based Classic Styled Arcade Game

Breakthrough Gaming's Bowling Screenshot - Christian-themed Arcade Game

Goal & Lesson

Knock down as many pins as you can with your bowling ball!

In the game of bowling, if you miss any of the pins after your first try, you get another chance to try and knock down any pins you missed.

It's the same in your own life, too! You'll make mistakes again and again. But don't get depressed and stop trying to be better! If you're reading this, then you have a chance to try again! So don't give up!

Make sure to keep honoring God, going for your dreams and goals, and being helpful to the people around you! Let's all keep being better people!

Check out more about all this in Proverbs Chapter 24 Verse 16!

Where to purchase and play this video game